<aside> 💡 The current program focuses on teaching writing tips and social media content creation practices to help generate and shape valued content to be used to aid mental health awareness and support, both at 7 Cups and for any personal projects/opportunities interested trainees may participate in.


Mentors available: click here

Reach out to mentors for any queries and assistance during your program.

Mentors can assist you to understand discussions correctly, assisting with social media graphic creation, brainstorming on the article writing stage, and helps you keeping tab on your progress.

Reminders: Note your answers for reporting time (Coursework Completion Quiz and CW II Participation)

Program Requirements and Forms

To view the brief information, click on the arrow. To view the document or form, click the text.

CDM Program Requirements and Overview List

CDM Infographic

Click the above title to see infographics.

<aside> 🍓 Coursework I Breakdown


This is the first part in the program. You are expected to finish these 4 discussions during your 2-week trial. All coursework is to be answered in the CDM Forum. Click each arrow to read.